Online pet games


Somebody else is already taking care of the pets, you can only view the place.


Hi! These are my lovely puppies - Raya, Leo, and Charlie! Leo is Raya's son and Charlie's dad. They are a friendly family, always being there for each other. They may not be the sweet dogs you expected, but they are sneaky hunters, strong fighters, and of course, cute doggos! Well, to be honest, all of your dogs are adorable! Maybe even cuter! It would be great for my dogs to meet you! They love hunting (rats, mice, birds, etc.), and they are great friends, even if you may not think so at first. Please don't destroy or rearrange things in my house, it means a lot to my puppies. I'm saying that because everyone always moves my stuff! Anyways, thanks for visiting my house! Maybe one day, I will visit yours! Raya's birthday is on November 29th, Leo's birthday is on June 23rd, and Charlie's birthday is on June 24rd, which is a day after Leo's birthday. Anytime your pet wants a baby, they can come to the park and our pets will marry! That will fulfill both of our pets' wishes. My pets want babies really often so if your pet wants one too, you're always free to send me a message in the park!

Play Game - Save the pet

Save the pet

Play Game - 4 in a row

4 in a row

Play Game - Unblock it

Unblock it

Play Game - Find pairs

Find pairs

Play Game - Snake


Play Game - Guess who

Guess who

Play Game - Simon says

Simon says

Play Game - Slam it !

Slam it !

Play Game - Domino game

Domino game

Play Game - Game of goose

Game of goose

Play Game - Sheep Jumping

Sheep Jumping

Play Game - Volley Ball

Volley Ball

Play Game - Path game

Path game

Play Game - Puzzle


Play Game - Hit the mice

Hit the mice

Play Game - Crazy eights

Crazy eights

Play Game - Guitar game

Guitar game

Play Game - Castle defense

Castle defense

Play Game - Petanque


Play Game - Frogger game

Frogger game

Play Game - 9 balls

9 balls

Play Game - Tetris


Play Game - Jumping Pet

Jumping Pet

Play Game - Draughts



  • Specie : dog
  • Current feeling : ...
  • Age : 1 year, 7 monthes
  • Wish : I want a baby !
  • Life experience : 143109
  • Weight : 10.19 kg (127% of ideal)
  • Height : 77 cm (96% of ideal)
  • Sexe : Female
Food 99%
Health 100%
Happiness 100%
Strength 0%
Intelligence 100%
Energy 18%


  • Specie : dog
  • Current feeling : ...
  • Age : 1 year, 1 month
  • Wish : I want to win at Sheep Jumping !
  • Life experience : 146392
  • Weight : 10.09 kg (126% of ideal)
  • Height : 77 cm (96% of ideal)
  • Sexe : Male
Food 85%
Health 100%
Happiness 100%
Strength 0%
Intelligence 100%
Energy 82%


  • Specie : dog
  • Current feeling : ...
  • Age : 1 month, 3 days
  • Wish : I want to play Oh hell in the parc !
  • Life experience : 149402
  • Weight : 4.27 kg (109% of ideal)
  • Height : 39 cm (100% of ideal)
  • Sexe : Male
Food 74%
Health 100%
Happiness 100%
Strength 0%
Intelligence 100%
Energy 2%
  • If your pet is hungry, he will loose health
    If your pet's health is low he will loose life espectancy

  • Your pet can have babies with the other pets in the parc
    Your pet should be at least 15 days old and 100 live experience in order to have babies

  • Buying a cat poo is good for the health of your pet
    Presence of poo on the floor is bad

  • If your pet attacks a painting it will be broken
    Broken objects have no effets anymore

  • Flowers are a good way to improve your pet's health
    Paintings will improve your pet's intelligence

  • You can teach your pet not to do something
    by punishing him afterwards he does it

  • When an object is broken you can repair it
    Simply click on a broken object

  • You can talk to your pet, he will learn from what you say
    Every action of the pet is determined by passed actions and pet's knowledge

  • Double click on an object to remove it from game
    Click on coins to get more money !

  • If your pet is intelligent, he can pick up coins for you
    Reward him when he does, so that he will keep doing that !

  • You pet will always have a wish. Fullfill it and your pet will gain life experience.