Online pet games


Somebody else is already taking care of the pets, you can only view the place.



Play Game - Hit the mice

Hit the mice

Play Game - 4 in a row

4 in a row

Play Game - Unblock it

Unblock it

Play Game - Domino game

Domino game

Play Game - Castle defense

Castle defense

Play Game - Path game

Path game

Play Game - Find pairs

Find pairs

Play Game - Volley Ball

Volley Ball

Play Game - Sheep Jumping

Sheep Jumping

Play Game - Simon says

Simon says

Play Game - Puzzle


Play Game - Tetris


Play Game - Save the pet

Save the pet

Play Game - Snake


Play Game - Jumping Pet

Jumping Pet

Play Game - Draughts


Play Game - Slam it !

Slam it !

Play Game - Crazy eights

Crazy eights


  • Specie : cat
  • Current feeling : ...
  • Age : 2 years, 6 monthes
  • Wish : I want to win at Simon says !
  • Life experience : 138312
  • Weight : 7.31 kg (91% of ideal)
  • Height : 75 cm (93% of ideal)
  • Sexe : Female
Food 89%
Health 5%
Happiness 100%
Strength 0%
Intelligence 100%
Energy 98%


  • Specie : cat
  • Current feeling : ...
  • Age : 1 year, 1 month
  • Wish : I want to win at Oh hell in the parc !
  • Life experience : 146513
  • Weight : 7.71 kg (96% of ideal)
  • Height : 73 cm (91% of ideal)
  • Sexe : Male
Food 40%
Health 0%
Happiness 0%
Strength 0%
Intelligence 17%
Energy 100%
  • If your pet is hungry, he will loose health
    If your pet's health is low he will loose life espectancy

  • Your pet can have babies with the other pets in the parc
    Your pet should be at least 15 days old and 100 live experience in order to have babies

  • Buying a cat poo is good for the health of your pet
    Presence of poo on the floor is bad

  • If your pet attacks a painting it will be broken
    Broken objects have no effets anymore

  • Flowers are a good way to improve your pet's health
    Paintings will improve your pet's intelligence

  • You can teach your pet not to do something
    by punishing him afterwards he does it

  • When an object is broken you can repair it
    Simply click on a broken object

  • You can talk to your pet, he will learn from what you say
    Every action of the pet is determined by passed actions and pet's knowledge

  • Double click on an object to remove it from game
    Click on coins to get more money !

  • If your pet is intelligent, he can pick up coins for you
    Reward him when he does, so that he will keep doing that !

  • You pet will always have a wish. Fullfill it and your pet will gain life experience.